The end of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be achieved through large-scale vaccination of the global population. So far vaccination against COVID-19 has been shown to reduce mortality and morbidity, minimize economic and social burdens, and ensure that people resume their everyday activities. Fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines is critical in ensuring ethical distribution globally. This paper discusses ethical allocation of COVID-19 vaccines, focusing on models that have been proposed for global allocation, as well as provides a discussion on a Christian response to the pandemic.
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, Vaccines, Global allocation, Vaccine Hesitancy, Equity, Justice
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Cite as: Everlyne Nyaboke Ombati, “On the Ethics of Global Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Kenyan Perspective,” Ethics & Medicine 37, no. 2–3 (2021): 134–146.
About the Author
Everlyne Nyaboke Ombati, MSc, MBE
Everlyne Ombati served as the program coordinator for CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative (CKBTI), a bioethics training program funded by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) to create bioethics capacity in Kenya. She has extensive experience in research regulation through her work with the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). She hold a masters of arts in bioethics from Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL, USA and a master’s of science degree in medical microbiology from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya.