Ethics & Medicine Volume 7:3 Fall 1991

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From the Editor
An Exciting Initiative: The Centre for Bioethics and Public Policy

From the Very Revd Professor Thomas F. Torrance
Donor Insemination for the Single Woman

From Professor David S. Short
The Persistent Vegetative State

Cystic Fibrosis: Screening or Cure?
Dr J. S. Elborn

The Seamless Dress of Hippocratic Medicine
The Revd Dr Nigel M. de S. Cameron

Paul R. Fleischman, The Healing Spirit: Case Studies in Religion and Psychotherapy (Allan Webster)
The Glover Report: Fertility and the Family (David Short)
Thomas Halper, The Misfortunes of Others: End-stage Renal Disease in the United Kingdom(Gillian M. Morton)
William D. Hitt, Ethics and Leadership: Putting Theory into Practice
(Richard Higginson)

Posted in Table of Contents.