Ethics & Medicine : Volume 27:2 Summer 2011

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How Would You Like to Die?
C. Ben Mitchell, PhD

Remembering Dignity
Christopher Bechtel

Adolescent Confidentiality: An Uneasy Truce
Mary B. Adam, MD, PhD, FAAP

The Origami Brain: From Neural Folds to Neuroethics
William P. Cheshire, Jr., MD

Is Free Will an Illusion?
John R. Meyer, MS, LTD, STD

Would Treatment Allocation According to Age-Contigent Deprecation Be Ethical? A Dialysis and Transplantation Paradigm
Gregory W. Rutecki, MD

The Ethics of Ovarian Tissue Transplantation: A Teleological Perspective
Sister Renee Mirkes, OSF, PhD

Book Reviews
Pharmacogenetics 2nd edition
Wendell W. Weber. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
ISBN 978-0-19-534151-5; 433 PAGES, CLOTH, $79.50
Reviewed by Jacob William Shatzer, MDiv, who is currently pursuing a PhD in theological ethics at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Bioethics: Principles, Issues, and Cases
Lewis Vaughn. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2010.
ISBN 978-0-19-518282-8; 686 PAGES, PAPER, $84.95
Reviewed by Stephen A. Phillips, MD, MA (Bioethics), who has practiced Family Medicine for twenty-nine years and is currently teaching Medical Ethics and helping to develop a Center for Christian Ethics at Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, USA.

This Mortal Flesh: Incarnation and Bioethics
Brent Waters. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2009.
ISBN 978-1-58743-251-4; 205 PAGES, PAPER, $21.99
Reviewed by Agneta Sutton, PhD, Lecturer in the Department of Pastoral Theology at Heythrop College in the University of London, UK.

Persons, Humanity, and the Definition of Death
John P. Lizza. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
ISBN 0-8018-8250-8; 212 PAGES, CLOTH, $45.00
Reviewed by Jeffrey G. Betcher, MD, FRCPC, MA (Ethics), who practices anesthesiology and critical care medicine at the Regina Qu’ÄôAppelle Health Region in Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA.

Aquinas on the Emotions: A Religious-Ethical Inquiry
Diana Fritz Cates. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2009.
ISBN 978-1-58901-505-0; 288 PAGES, PAPER, $29.95.
Reviewed by Jacob William Shatzer, MDiv, who is currently pursuing a PhD in theological ethics at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Posted in Table of Contents.