Overlooked Costs of Legalizing Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Human beings are naturally inhibited with regard to intentionally ending their lives and those of innocent others; human beings naturally love their lives and those of others, and human beings naturally regard human lives as having inalienable worth that is not diminished by or lost by an individual’s circumstances or condition. What do all these natural human proclivities have in common?

Doctors and the Gillick Case

In April this year a letter to the Prime Minister was handed in at 10, Downing Street from some of Britain’s top ‘agony aunts’. Signatories included Katie Boyle, Claire Rayner, Marjorie Proops and Anna Raeburn. They urged the Government not to accede to pressure to rescind the existing guidelines published by the Department of Health and Social Security whereby doctors can provide contraceptive a device without the knowledge of the parents to girls under 16.