Ethics & Medicine : Volume 28:2 Summer 2012

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The Idea of the Modern Hospital
C. Ben Mitchell, PhD

When Moral Arguments Do Not Compute: Prospects for an Ethics Checker
William P. Cheshire, Jr., MD

Experiencing Differences Between Europe and American End-of-Life Care: A Difficult Discontinuation of Life Support
Diana Gilbert, MD, Franklin Trimm, MD, Gregory Rutecki, MD

Are We Forming Ourselves for a Posthuman Future?
Jacob Shatzer, MDiv

Making Martyrs of Our Children: Religiously Based Requests in Pediatrics
Gregory Bock, MA

Medicine and Human Identity in Alexander Solzhenitysn’s Cancer Ward
Dennis Sansom, PhD

Human Germline Genetic Enhancement and C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man
Stephen A. Phillips, MD


Book Reviews

Nature’s End: The Theological Meaning of the New Genetics
Richard Sherlock. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2010 (Religion and Contemporary Culture Series).
ISBN 1 – 9 3 3 8 5 9 – 3 9 – 2 ; 2 3 0 PAGES, PA PER, $ 2 5 . 0 0
Reviewed by Donna Yarri, PhD (Religious Studies), who is an Associate Professor of Theology at Alvernia University in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA.

Incapacity and Care: Controversies in Healthcare and Research
Helen Watt, editor. Oxford: The Linacre Centre, 2010.
ISBN 9 7 8 – 0 9 0 6 5 61119 ; 14 6 PAGES, PA PER, $19 . 9 5
Reviewed by Agneta Sutton
, PhD, Lecturer at Heythrop College in the University of London, UK.

Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics: An Introduction to Theories of Right and Wrong, 2nd edition
Steve Wilkens. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2011.
ISBN 9 7 8 – 0 8 3 0 8 3 9 3 6 0 ; 2 3 0 PAGES, PA PER, $ 2 0 . 0 0
Reviewed by Dennis M. Sullivan, MD, MA (Ethics),
Professor of Biology and Director of the Center for Bioethics at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio, USA.

The Theory of Morality
Alan Donagan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.
ISBN -13 9 7 8 – 0 2 2 615 5 6 7 8 ; 2 9 4 PAGES, PA PER, $ 2 7. 5 0
Reviewed by Susan M. Haack, MD, MA (Bioethics), FACOG
, who is a consultative gynecologist at Hess Memorial Hospital and Mile Bluff Medical Center in Mauston, Wisconsin, USA.\

Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technology, Parental Choices and Children’s Futures, 2nd edition
Dena S. Davis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
ISBN 9 7 8 – 0 -19 – 5 3 74 3 8 – 4; 211 PAGES, PA PER, $ 24 . 9 5
Reviewed by Susan M. Haack, MD, MA (Bioethics), FACOG
, who a consultative gynecologist at Hess Memorial Hospital and Mile Bluff Medical Center in Mauston, Wisconsin, USA.

Posted in Table of Contents.