Ethics & Medicine Volume 16:2 Summer 2000

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The Protest of a Troubled Bioethicist
C. Ben Mitchell, PhD

Alternative Therapies: Making a Difference through Spiritual Evaluation
Glenn M. Hultgren, DC

‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich’ and the Resuscitation of Christian Medical Ethics
Brian Brock, MA

Is the Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association Ethical?
Richard C. Eyer, DMin

A Clinical Ethics Perspective on Assisted Reproductive Technology

Robert D. Orr, MD

A Conflict of Interest in Reproductive Medicine
Steven A. Long, PhD

Is the Human Embryo Our Neighbor
Agneta Sutton, MPhil

Book Reviews

Unriddling Our Times: Reflections on the Gathering Cultural CrisisOs Guinness, Editor, Andrew M Seddon, MD

Children’s Rights Re-Visioned: Philosophical ReadingsRosalind Ekman Ladd, Editor, John D Basie, MA

The Complete Book of Baby & Child CarePaul C Reiser and Focus on the Family, Angel Heredia, MD & Elizabeth Heredia, MD

The Ethics of the Ordinary in Healthcare: Concepts and CasesJohn Abbott Worthley, Donal P O’Mathuna, PhD

Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious Convictions in Political Debate (Point/Counterpoint)Robert Audi & Nicholas Wolterstorff, David Fletcher, PhD

Science, Life, and Christian Belief: A Survey of Contemporary IssuesMalcom A Jeeves & R J Berry, Andrew M Seddon, MD

‘Blind Alley Beliefs’David Cook, Dr P K Buxton FRCP

Posted in Table of Contents.